Fourth Degree

Assembly 702 - Fr. Van Rensselaer

Faithful Navigator: Roy Dozois

Faithful Comptroller: Alan Burke


Meet the 3rd Monday each month at Clifton Park   K of C 

For the Greater Glory of God

Fourth Degree Knights

The primary purpose of the Fourth Degree is to foster the spirit of patriotism by promoting responsible citizenship and a love of and loyalty to the Knights' respective countries through active membership in local Fourth Degree groups called assemblies. Fourth Degree members must retain their membership as Third Degree members in the local council to remain in good standing.

Emblem of the Patriotic Degree

The triad emblem of the Fourth Degree features the dove, the cross and the globe. The dove, classic symbol of the Holy Spirit and peace, is shown hovering over the orb of the Earth (globe). Both are mounted on a variation of the Crusader's cross, which was found on the tunics and capes of the Crusading knights who battled to regain the Holy Land from the pagans. Spiritually, the sacred symbols on the emblem typify the union of the Three Divine Persons in one Godhead, the most Blessed Trinity.

The Globe – God the Father, Creator of the Universe.

The Cross – God the Son, Redeemer of Mankind.

The Dove – God the Holy Spirit, Sanctifier of Humanity.

The colors of the symbols are:

A blue globe with the land of the Western Hemisphere in white. A red cross with gold borders and gold knobs at the end of the points forming the ends of the arms of the cross, also known as the Isabella cross. A white dove. Red, white and blue are the colors of the flag of the country in which the Knights originated. They are used to stress patriotism, the basic principle of the Fourth Degree.